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My name is Iza Awad, a 26 year old Queer man who is an enthusiast for artistic and scientific research beyond the extraordinary. In 2021 I graduated (cum laude) from the Chemistry master at the University of Amsterdam and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. A great part of my master trajectory I focused on the interaction of photosynthetic plants and algae with a novel cellulose material made from bacteria (bacterial cellulose). Together with my professor/director of the VU Artscience lab, dr. Raoul Frese and researcher dr. Sandrine D’Haene we were awarded multiple grants from the NWO and the University of Amsterdam to develop several new living materials.

Summer 2019 we showed the first clothing pieces consisting of a living fabric made of plants and cellulose. Developing the material further, resulted in a living algae hydrogel. End 2021 to beginning of 2023 we designed this idea towards the first photosynthetic human. Applying the algae hydrogel to the body, transforming humans into air purification plants using photosynthesis. Ultimately creating a new ecosystem of humans, bacteria and algae attenuating the effects of air pollution.

“There will not be a magic day when we wake up and it's now okay to express ourselves publicly. We make that day by doing things publicly until it's simply the way things are.”

— Tammy Baldwin

Meet the Team

  • Raoul Frese

    Professor biophysics group Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and director Artscience medialab Hybrid Forms

  • Sandrine D'Haene

    Researcher Biophysics group and Hybrid Forms lab Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Meet the Partners


Contact us

You are always welcome to send us an email, especially for questions about the scientific/artistic research or collaborations with the team.